Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last Post

I must say that it has been a long year that has gone by very quickly. I am not sure if that actually makes any sense or not, but the ambiguity of the statement also represents the ambiguity of my feelings regarding the end of high school and the beginning of college. I am happy, ecstatic even, that high school is finally over and all of the tests and essays that helped me in the long run but were annoying at the time I took them will never be seen again. I am also excited to be able to have a new start in the intimidating entity we all call college where I will be able to meet new people and enjoy a new found freedom that will likely define my future. Yet, despite this eagerness and thrill I feel, I am also sad to certain extent to leave high school where I have made so many great people and have created unforgettable memories. This said, I guess it is time to get on with the last blog entry I will likely ever make and it involves an ambiguity that is prevalent in my life at this point in time.
The final exam overall was a lot easier than any real test we have taken in class, at least in terms of the multiple choice section. Usually in the multiple choice passages we take in class, I know the answer to about half and guess on the other half hoping to get them right. On the AP exam however, there were a lot more clear-cut answers that allowed for the elimination of many answers instead of seeing four possible answers to a question. I would normally think about skipping five or ten questions and this is what I expected to do coming in to the exam room, but after reading the questions and the answers, I actually answered all of the multiple choice questions. This being said, although I felt I did decent on the multiple choice, the essays are the things that have me a bit worried. I feel that I did okay on the poetry essay and talked about literary devices that actually made sense in the scope of the poem. The same goes with the prose passage which was easier to understand than the one on the practice test, but my answer may not have been very clear. The essay that does have me miffed is the open question essay because I kind of feel like it was hit or miss. The question was about exile and enrichment and the novel I used was Frankenstein. I talked about the isolation the monster had because it had no one to associate with but the enrichment aspect of exile may have been a reach. I said that the monster was enriched with the knowledge it gained about mankind and cruelty of society. I am not sure if this even counts as enrichment, so is thus the one thing that has me worried about the exam. Other than this, I felt well-prepared for the AP Literature Exam.

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